#p2pu challenge#1 assignment 2

Started this blog originally for #fa622 and now applying it to p2pu Challenge #1 Introduce Yourself assignment 2, “share some of yourself, your reasons for embarking on the Webmaking 101 challenges and some interesting facts about yourself”

I copy and paste the assignment to make sure I am on task, hopefully I’ll get better at blogging so that practice will eventually be weaned from. As a beginner just posting what I’m doing and adding some type of media gives a depth of reflection. Currently that depth is pretty shallow because of learning how/what to blog and add media are new skills. Mahalo in advance for your patience and advice to share in the learning. My one disclaimer is that all I am learning and receive in the sharing of knowledge I will share with those I learn with.

He puko’a kani ‘aina.

Translation: A coral reef (hardens/strengthens/sounds out) into land.

Explanation: In their travels around the Pacific, the Hawaiians would pass by many coralheads which the the navigators would mark in their memories and pass on their apprentices. Eventually they would notice these small coralheads would grow into a full islands and so comes the advice that we can’t expect to be full-blown successes right away, often we start small and over time, like a coralhead, we will mature and be successful.
